Document diagnosis “present Situation | Qualification for the improvement of the AIT - Farming Extension”.
Document diagnosis of the situation of the farming technical attendance of the 47 municipal advice of the department of the Tolima.
Design, creation, elaboration and give of 7,000 records to the assistants of the qualifications in the Municipal Councils of Rural Development - CMDR.
Management, development and consultancy in farming projects.
Support, qualification, fortification and pursuit to more than 45,000 farming producers of different productive lines “Rice, Avocado, Coffee, Cacao, Banana tree, Moor, Strawberry, Maize, Banana, Papaya, lemon, Cattle ranch (double-Intention), Aquaculture, Pisciculture, Beekeeping, Oviculture among others”, for the associative and productive competitiveness of the farming sector, in the Departments of the Tolima, the Cauca, Boyacá, Caquetá, Caldas, Quindío, Antioquia, the Valley of the Cauca among another one.
Programs of protection and conservation of environment.
FORMULATION, UPDATE and/or ADJUSTMENTS to the “STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, EIA - PLAN OF ENVIRONMENTAL HANDLING, PMA OF the IRRIGATION DISTRICT AND DRAINAGE OF GREAT SCALE OF the STOP OF CHICAMOCHA and FIRAVITOBA”, “Rio Ranchería and the Districts of Irrigation San Juan and Ranchería, and a program of environmental qualifications with contained environmental license in the resolution No 3158 of August 10 of 2005 of the independent Corporation of the Guajira”.
Support, qualification and organizacional fortification to irrigation districts.
Support, qualification and organizacional fortification to the associations of the 18 districts of irrigation of the Departments of CALDAS, QUINDIO, RISARALDA, ANTIOQUIA, CORDOBA, and SUCRE, ATLANTICO, MAGDALENA, BOLIVAR, CESAR and GUAJIRA. In the components: I. Enterprise administrative, II. Productive Environmental, III. Commercial and credit, IV. Qualification and formation.
Corporation for Agro-Industrial development CADAG.
Reforestation and maintenance of hydric sources, zones protected and of natural protection in municipalities of Ibagué, Saldaña, Purificación and Prado of the department of Tolima, to more than 30,000 Hectares and 10,000 meters of isolation.
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The corporation for agro-industrial development CADAG is a private organization dedicated to promote the integral development, through the management and development of productive projects, support,  shared in common, official and deprived consultant’s office and consultancy to the territorial units, organizations, nongovernmental organizations (ONGS) and all type of social organizations, to contribute  to improve the conditions of life of the society, of such form that this is righter and equitable, with principles and values that prohang by the human development.

Management of projects

Management of projects

Technical and economic cooperation for the sectorial, regional and national development through organizations  public, prevailed and of international cooperation. 



Evaluation of projects and execution  of such in farming areas,  participation and qualification in management and administration of the regional, municipal development from economic, social, productive and legal the perspective.



Studies of territorial ordering, environmental impact, socioeconomic stratification, productive or socioeconomic services public, diagnosis and evaluation, of formalization and legalization of rural estates.

Environmental sustainability

Environmental sustainability

Management, consultant’s office and consultancy of directed projects to guarantee the social, economic and environmental balance, so that it is guaranteed, to improve the natural atmosphere and its elements, generating a continuity in the future.

Since the 2006 we worked strongly

By the environmental development, farming and agro-industrial of the country.

We counted on an integral, multicultural human group  and interdisciplinary, specialistic in different areas from the knowledge,  with a great trajectory and social sensitivity, we leaned in governmental estates, private governments, mayorships, organizations and other suppliers,  all  with a great sense of responsibility with the Colombian society.


With than 100 projects more made




Seed plots

Centers of processing

Lines of processing

Evaluation and consultancy

Enterprise solutions and consultancies.

Planning, elaboration and development of I+D+I projects.


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